Colonel Bansyou Kouichirou; Is the care for terror attacks enough?

Japan Self-Defense Forces
Iraq revival support group
Dear Sir Bansyou Kouichirou

How do you do?
This is Chun Jiuqien.
Thank you for your mission.

I am sorry to ask you ill-mannered question.
Is the care for terror attacks enough?

According to the report, endeavors by Iraqi include Muslim religion committee had great contribution of the release of abducted five Japanese, in recent Japanese hostage incident.
Through this incident, I guess that a friendship between Japanese and Iraqi become well than ever.
But, may be terrorist do not welcome it.

I am afraid that terrorist impersonate Iraqi and makes an attack Samawa camp, then invent an attack on Japan Self-Defense Forces by Iraqi.

Terrorist is skillful for frame-up.
World has deceived by frame-up by terrorist, again and again.

It is necessary to have method for fact-finding, to trace true criminal, when Samawa camp is attacked by any chance, isn't it.
And then, it is important to defense from frame-ups by terrorist, isn't it?

I hear that a terrorist who repeats crime in Iraq is wicked very much.
And, I hear that Terrorist repeat terror attack on Mosque hospital and town using missiles and bomb, so that many civilians have been fallen victims to it.
Is the care for terror attacks enough?

There are many Iraqi who fight against terrorist.
Iraqi may cooperate with Japan Self-Defense Forces in countermeasure against terrorism.

According to the report, I have heard that Iraq revival support group has build cooperation relations with the head of tribes in and around Samawa.

To take care of the terror attack, how about to sound Iraqi whom cooperated in Japanese hostage incident, cooperation in countermeasure against terrorist too?

The mentioned above, I am sorry that outsider made such a proposal to you who is an expert.
However, with your permission I dare to write this proposal, because I wish safety of compatriot you.
Please read it.

I wish you success in Iraq revival support mission.
Please support as much as possible, rapid Iraq reconstruction by Iraqi itself.

I expect your good fight.

Yours respectfully.

Counter Colonial Business

v(^o^)v daisy Chun Jiuqien
( x ) daisy ICQ:38969410
m m=* daisy

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